Account Management Features
Customizing Your Search Box
Color Codes:
Recent web browsers accept color names as color codes (ex: black, white, red, blue, magenta, etc.). However, to insure browser compatibility, we recommend using RGB color codes. RGB stands for "Red Green Blue" Click on one of the colors on the
Quick Color Chooser
below, and an RGB color code will appear. (RGB color codes in HTML should always begin with a # sign)
For example, take your mouse to the very bottom row of the color table. Then, from the right hand side, count six boxes to the left and click on the box (it should be a VERY RED color box). Click on it, and you will find a color code in the text box below. It should read #FF0000. If you wanted the text color to be red, you would take that color code and type it into the text color field.
Font Type:
Always consider the possibility that your web-site visitor may not have the font that you enter into this field. It is a very wise idea to enter more than one font type name. For example, if you liked the Arial style font, you might enter: Arial,Helvetica,Verdana. This means, "If the visitor's computer supports Arial, then use it. If not, then use Helvetica. If that's not available, use Verdana. And ultimately, if that's not available, just use the browser's configured standard font."
Quick Color Chooser:
Use the color chooser above. Take your mouse, click on the color you want, and the color code will show up below. Use that code for color attributes fields on the left.
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